Aggressive Behaviours With Dementia

This can be either verbal or sometimes physical. But there is always a reason, first if I am in pain how do I communicate this, then if I don’t like a situation or a person how do I tell you. If behaviours change very suddenly then it needs to be checked by a doctor to see if there is any underlying causes such as a urinary tract or chest infection. It is surprising how much impact this can have on someone’s behaviour. Both conditions can cause from aggressive symptoms to hallucinations. Early diagnosis is very important to ensure medication can be issued to prevent complications.
Aggression can also be caused by poor communication, body language, loud noises, and large groups of people. I experienced a lady who got very agitated because she couldn’t understand whilst in a group setting, why all these people were invading her home. I agree, I wouldn’t like that and from her perspective it was a reality.

There is always a reason behind behaviours, but being on the front end of aggression can be very hard, this is where standing back and understanding that something is wrong and giving the person some space truly helps, (as long as they are in a safe environment). If you are telling me constantly to eat my cake and I don’t want to, my prerogative, then I need to react as we all would, but perhaps in a different way.

dementia care homes

It is always important to share issues such as aggression to help you through and understand the reasons behind this. Remembering, that any person on the end of aggression needs support, understanding and advice.

Larchfield House specialise in Dementia Care and all its facets. If you require any further information do not hesitate to contact the Larchfield Team on 01628 639428 or pop in to see us for a confidential chat with one of our staff about the services that Larchfield has to offer. Or visit our web site dementia care homes