Larchfield House is home to seven communities named after rivers. Our communities are designed around the needs of the residents including Nursing Dementia, Young Onset Dementia and Palliative Care communities. The hand-painted corridors, door artwork and memory boxes give each community a unique and homely feel.

The design and environment of our specialist home maximises independence but also safety. Although easy access is important, proper signage, dementia friendly furnishings and clearly defined areas all help residents to be both independent and secure.

Our Specialist Nursing home is purpose-built and designed to provide the best care and to make daily life as comfortable as possible for our residents. The home is well designed and the use of different door colours provides familiarity for our residents. This allows them to find their way as well as reduce anxiety. Our home is designed to ensure residents have easy access to all parts of the building and gardens. This gives residents the freedom to walk around the home and enjoy the garden as and when they want to.

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Dementia Friendly Ensuite Rooms

Our purpose built home provides spacious bedrooms each with their own ensuite facility. The rooms are well lit and have been thoughtfully decorated using contrasting colours to ensure they are dementia friendly for all Larchfield House residents.

Creating familiarity is key

Our home signals recognition through homely environments and comfortable living spaces where residents can spend time with familiar faces and build relationships.

To further support familiarity and ease of orientation, personal belongings may be placed outside each resident’s bedroom to help them recognise where it is and reduce confusion.

Lighting is also an important part of dementia care as Sundowning is a common occurrence in people living with dementia. Sundowning, also known as ‘late-day confusion’ is used to describe changes in behaviour that usually occur around late afternoon or early evening where a person with dementia may become confused, agitated, anxious or aggressive.

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A Home Away From Home

At Larchfield House we provide a range of specialist nursing care covering a wide range of needs and requirements. You can learn more about the different types of care by visiting the indivdual pages below. If you have question or would like to speak to a member of our team, then please get in touch.